AI has been part of Google Workspace for a long time...
Artificial Intelligence that is embedded in your workflow helps you be more productive and efficient, without hopping from one tab to another.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Google Workspace
AI and ML has been part of Google Workspace for a long time… Google Workspace has been equipped with machine learning and AI for some time now. This is how you might have noticed the effectiveness of AI and ML in your daily workflow…
How is AI embedded into your Google Workspace?
AI is able to intuitively assist you in completing your sentences when you are drafting emails. It is embedded in Spaces so that you can automatically reply to team messages
In Spaces, it is easier to communicate and reply to team members with auto-suggested replies in your workspaces. This has been shown to create more engagement and teams are able to gel and work more efficiently together.
Time Insights in Google Calendar
Upcoming AI powered features...
Email Summary
Tired of going through long email conversations? Get AI to summarize your email threads into short and simple points on Gmail to help you work faster, more efficiently and save time.
AI Writing Assistance
Simply type a topic you’d like to write about, and a draft will instantly be generated for you. With Google Workspace AI, writer’s block is now a thing of the past.
Improved Workflows
New generative AI capabilities help you rewrite, aggregate and expand text, with added capability to specify the tone and include more content.
Auto create slides
Bring your creative vision to life with auto-generated images, audio, and video in Slides using AI as a collaborative partner to make your work easier.
What else is included? 
“Workspace's mission is to meaningfully connect people so they can create, build and grow together—and advances in generative AI are allowing us to deliver on this mission in new ways.”
Johanna Voolich Wright, Vice President of Product, Google Workspace
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